What are the consequences of the scars on the person?
You are not alone in having scars. It is even an extremely frequent real pathology whereas, paradoxically, many people suffer from it without really talking about it.
The problems are certainly aesthetic but also and above all psychological . Apart from any dysmorphophobia, a scar can be psychologically embarrassing without being very visible, especially on the face because, every day, the reflection of the mirror reminds us of this very bad memory. The intervention is then successful when the patient can look in the mirror and forget about it.
But the sequelae can also be articular : skin bridles that hinder mobility to a greater or lesser extent.
Finally, do not forget the painful sequelae , especially in the presence of a hypertrophic or even keloid scar and the itching (or pruritus) which is sometimes very annoying.
Scars are therefore extremely frequent and often disabling , causing significant relational and psychological disturbances, especially in France where skin scars are relatively poorly accepted, unlike other countries, such as the USA, countries where makeup is often more pronounced. and hide it.
It is to repeat the importance of a scar as less visible as possible presenting a thin scar line, flat, of normal color carried out according to a perfectly adapted technique , the flap of abutment or Adhesion Flap which I have been using for more than 15 years. and which gives satisfaction to the majority of my patients.
The skin is made up of three superimposed layers:
– the epidermis on the outside, made up of cells called keratinocytes;
– the dermis , very thick, made up of connective tissue cells and intercellular substance;
– the hypodermis , which is the superficial fatty layer.
A functionally very important layer of cells separates the epidermis from the dermis. This is the basal layer, made up of a single layer of keratinocytes, rectangular in shape, aligned vertically, and which rest on a fibrous lamina called the basal lamina.
A skin scar is inevitable when the entire thickness of the epidermis, down to the dermis, is damaged or destroyed.
This occurs with any skin incision by the surgeon's scalpel, whatever the cause.

What are the causes of scars?
The causes of scars are extremely variable but are always related to traumatic damage to the entire thickness of the epidermis down to the dermis. In a more superficial attack, the resulting scar may be almost invisible.
A) Scars after surgical trauma:
The surgeon's scalpel creates postoperative scars, regardless of the specialty.
Three rules must govern when you are ready to incise your patient's skin:
– scar as short as possible;
– scars as best placed as possible;
– scar made with a perfect technique.
Until 20 years ago, the scars created by the surgeon were of no importance: "Great scar, great surgeon" they said even then. in the early 1990s, laparoscopic surgery with tiny openings quickly became popular, particularly in digestive and gynecological surgery.